Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A Quiet Pentecost Now Available

Release of the book... now available at Upper Room Books

The book is dedicated to Hearts on Fire: Fellowship of United Methodist Spiritual Directors and Retreat Leaders

During the past 30 years, a quiet revolution has taken place in Christianity. People of all ages are finding the need for daily prayer. Many are encountering Jesus anew through ancient yet new forms of prayer.
“Quiet Pentecosts” are happening as Christians engage in spiritual practices. Congregations feel the power of the Holy Spirit at work as they participate in thoughtful reading of scripture, walking the labyrinth, prayerful listening to one another, spiritual direction, and more.
At a time when denominations are declining and the church seems to be fighting for survival, this book describes hope for the future in the practices of spiritual formation.
“The practices of spiritual formation take us outside of the noisy and frenetic activity our popular culture encourages. We need to be taught how to be together in a spirit of respectful listening to one another. We will not learn this art from our television commentators. We will rarely witness such moments of genuine care in national or international politics.”
A Quiet Pentecost recounts the stories of more than 40 congregations being transformed by spiritual practices. This book addresses the following topics:

  • evangelism and spiritual formation
  • praying the scriptures (lectio divina)
  • spiritual practices in small groups
  • healing prayer
  • multisensory worship (evening prayer and TaizĂ©)
  • congregational discernment
  • prayer ministries
  • health and wellness ministries
  • centering prayer
  • and much more!
I invite you to celebrate this outpouring of the Holy Spirit among us and to be inspired for spiritual formation practices in your congregation and community. The book is designed to be used to help design or enhance your spiritual formation ministry within your congregation.

I will guide a 6-week on-line continuing education course applying the book to your setting starting June 3. Visit Rueben Job Institute for Spiritual Formation for information and registration.