We all Need Prayer -- Teaching Prayer in the New Year
Beth Fender, Coordinator of New Streams for Illinois Great Rivers Conference of the United Methodist Church, describes the
need to teach sustained spiritual practice within congregations:
Many local churches
need help with teaching the basics. In our day, when many of our new members
did not grow up in the church and are unaware of much that lifelong church
members take for granted, there is a great need for introductory sessions for
adults on a variety of topics.
Furthermore, since we now have several generations of church members who grew
up in an era in which the church valued membership over discipleship, many
faithful, lifelong members may be ill-equipped in many of the same spiritual
practices. One important topic for both new and
lifelong church members is prayer, particularly an introduction to a variety of
prayer practices.
Prayer needs to be
taught for those who have never attempted the regular discipline of a daily
devotional practice, as well as for those who have unsuccessfully attempted
such a practice in the past. Many of the church leaders (both laity and clergy)
with whom I work have attempted to establish a regular
pattern of spiritual practices or daily devotions with varying degrees of
success. One does not often rise to leadership in a church without encountering
this often unspoken expectation. However, I frequently encounter leaders who
express frustration at their seeming inability to sustain the spiritual
practices necessary for effective ministry. While there are many reasons for
this struggle, three in particular seem to be the most prevalent: a devotional
regimen that is incompatible with the leader’s personality or stage of
spiritual development; a lack of familiarity with various spiritual practices;
and a lack of accountability structures to encourage
adoption of and long-term commitment to spiritual practices.
Often church leaders
have been encouraged by some well-meaning mentor in the past to practice
spiritual disciplines that may be a poor fit for their personality. For
instance, while journaling is a wonderful tool for spiritual growth, asking
someone who thrives on movement and creativity to spend significant time
sitting and writing is unlikely to produce positive results, even if you
provide colored pencils. On the other hand, this person may enjoy body prayer
or liturgical dance—practices that might frustrate someone who prefers
structure or needs to spend significant amounts of time in silent meditation.
Unfortunately, many people believe that prayer means being seated with hands
folded and head bowed—and must always involve words. With such a mind-set, it
is clear that liturgical dance could not possibly be considered “real” prayer,
and an opportunity for spiritual growth is suppressed or lost.
Other church leaders
may have learned to practice certain spiritual disciplines that worked well for
them at an earlier stage in their spiritual development. Those practices may
have worked so well that now the leader has grown spiritually to the point that
new practices are needed to sustain continued growth.
What a great time of year to renew your prayer practice and to make plans to each others.
What a great time of year to renew your prayer practice and to make plans to each others.